Aug 6, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Time and Attendance Systems For Small Businesses in the UK

As a small business owner in the UK, one of the most critical aspects of managing your workforce is tracking their attendance and managing their time effectively. Time and attendance systems can help you do that, providing you with a range of benefits that can save you time, improve productivity, and ensure compliance with employment laws. But with so many options available, choosing the right system can be a daunting task. Here is the ultimate guide to time and attendance systems for small businesses in the UK:

Understand Your Needs: Establish What You Need from an Attendance System.

Before looking for a time and attendance system, you must establish what you need from it. According to a survey conducted by Aberdeen Group, businesses that implement automated time and attendance systems see a 10% to 15% reduction in payroll errors and an average increase in productivity of 3.6%. This means considering factors such as the size of your business, the number of employees you have, the types of shifts you operate, and the level of detail you need to track. You should also consider your budget and any specific features that you require.

Compare the Options: Conduct a Comprehensive Review of Features, Costs and Specifications.

Once you know what you need from a time and attendance system, it's time to compare your options. Many systems are available, from traditional punch clocks to advanced biometric scanners. According to the American Payroll Association, businesses that use an automated time and attendance system can save up to 4% of their annual payroll costs. When comparing systems, consider features, costs, and specifications. Some of the key features to look for include the following:

  • Employee self-service portals
  • Mobile accessibility
  • Automated time tracking
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Integration with payroll software

Choose Wisely: Make Sure You're Getting the Right System for Your Business.

Once you have compared your options, it's time to choose the right system for your business. This means considering factors such as ease of use, reliability, and customer support. Consider the level of customization that the system offers, as well as any additional features that may be beneficial to your business. According to a survey conducted by Software Advice, 60% of employees prefer using an automated time and attendance system over manual methods, as it saves them time and improves accuracy.

Integrate Fully: Unify Your Systems and Streamline Processes Across All Departments.

Once you have chosen your time and attendance system, it's essential to integrate it fully with your existing systems. This means ensuring that the system is compatible with your payroll software and any other relevant software you use. In addition, it would be best to consider integrating the system with other departments, such as HR and finance, to streamline processes and improve productivity.

Create your rota straight from your payroll app

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Monitor Use: Track Time and Attendance to Ensure Maximum Productivity.

Finally, it's important to monitor the use of your time and attendance system to ensure maximum productivity. This means tracking employee attendance and identifying any patterns of absenteeism or lateness. You should also use the system to track productivity levels and identify any areas for improvement. By doing so, you can ensure that your business runs as efficiently as possible and that you get the most out of your time and attendance system. According to a survey by PwC, 55% of UK employees want to work from home at least three days a week after the pandemic ends, making mobile accessibility and remote work management capabilities increasingly important for time and attendance systems.

All-in-one solutions like Moonworkers can save your business time and money with essential business tasks

With all the benefits and advantages we shared today, we hope you understand why employee attendance tracking and payroll integration is a good objective for small businesses. Not every small business will have the same goals as a large corporation, but every business should share at least one goal: to be more efficient.

Here at Moonworkers, we are committed to providing efficient business solutions for small and medium businesses, especially regarding HR operations. We understand how important HR responsibilities are to the success of a business, and that is why we offer our suite of solutions to help combine all the tools you will need to efficiently manage the essential functions of your business.

One of the biggest obstacles to people adapting new technology solutions, and innovating for their business, is the feeling that their current system is sufficient and that a change will make a normally simple process more difficult. But our goal with Moonworkers, and the goal of all software solutions, is to empower businesses and allow them to work smarter and more efficiently.

We recently held a survey that only reaffirmed our efforts toward this goal. When discussing the role of accountancy firms and the challenges that they face, we discovered that accountancy firms will spend 32% of their working time handling payroll for clients and that their most desired feature from payroll software would be further integration with their accounting software, along with automation of the 52-week average holiday pay. Such a feature would be estimated to save them 32.4 hours per month, which is approximately 99% of the time they spend on this task. Such incredible accomplishment is what we look to develop with Moonworkers software, and we're eager for SMBs all over the UK to improve their own payroll efficiency.

We understand many small business owners will not have a lot of experience implementing these solutions into their business infrastructure, so we want to ensure that we take every step to help you understand the technology and seamlessly integrate it into your business functions. You can book a demo with us today and let us know how we can help serve your business.

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Choose Moonworkers online payroll services for professional, reliable, and knowledgeable service.
We have been using Moonworkers for quite some time and compared to other software in the market, we found it very simple to use and excellent. Moreover, the customer service is great.
Shabir D.

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