Production Coordinator

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What does a production coordinator do?

Production coordinators run the production office. When the line producer and production manager are on set, production coordinators are in charge of what goes on with the phones, photocopier and paperwork.

Production coordinators start work during pre-production. They set up the production office, organising equipment, supplies and staff. They coordinate travel, accommodation, work permits and visas for cast and crew. They also distribute shooting schedules, crew and cast lists, scripts and script revisions.

During production, production coordinators are responsible for preparing, updating and distributing crew lists, daily progress reports and script changes. They also deal with call sheets and transport requirements. They let the transport captain know what is needed and organise couriers and shipping companies.

As the shoot draws to an end, production coordinators help the production manager to ‘wrap’ the production. They close accounts with suppliers, return surplus stock and tie up all loose ends. They usually work on a freelance basis.

What’s a production coordinator good at?

  • Knowledge of filmmaking: understand the process and the needs of each department
  • Organisation: plan, multi-task, work calmly under pressure
  • Innovation: find solutions to problems, deal with the unexpected
  • Communication: work as a team, share information with heads of departments
  • Budgeting: keep recordings of spending and control it

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